Save the rivers of western austria..
The upper Inn valley and its tributaries is home to some very famous runs, both for rubber ducks or tupperware containers. For those of you who really live behind mars' dryest moon: that's ötztaler ache, sanna, ruetz, melach and more.
However, if things continue as planned, that shall not be the case much longer. Any river more than handspan wide shall go underground - some in hydro projects, the remaining ones in shame for their brothers' and sisters' fate.
Of course there's something you can do (there's ALWAYS something you can do), and even if it doesnt help much at least you will have tried all you can.
Check out the links below. Involve yourself..rather than facebooking yourself silly spend your computer time a little less useless and try to make some noise for the rivers of tirol. And if you think you're safe 'cause you're from somewhere else - don't kid yourself. They're after everybody..
rettet die sanna!
make some facebook noise..
be heard in more respectable ways..
What can you actually do now?
Check the AKTUELL! - section..
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